24/12/2024 19:22:44 by JP
When I was in middle school and high school, the athletic kids that played soccer, lacrosse, football all wore Nike crew socks, black or white or Elites. As I was starting to discover my sexuality, I think I associated the socks with jocks and masculinity. Since then, I’ve always had an attraction specifically to Nike crew socks. Any other brand doesn’t do it for me. Aesthetically, I like how they silhouette feet and ankles and compliment a guy’s legs. That being said, I have a thing about how they need to be worn “right”. I don’t like when they’re pulled right all the way up to a guys knees. They should have a couple wrinkles in them, like they’re being worn naturally. Some dudes these days also roll them down so that the swoosh is inside out and upside down. I don’t like that look.
It makes me feel sexier when I wear Nike crew socks, especially white ones. I’ve been with my husband for 10 years and only recently confided in him about this fetish. He now wears white Nikes when he wants to get me going, and he knows I’ll rub his feet if he wears Nikes. We’ve done a little bit of foot play, but it’s mostly about the aesthetics. I want to have sex in Nikes and I want to have sex with people wearing Nikes.