about NSNS

I don’t just like porn, I love it.
I enjoy the taboo, the fantasies, and the fetish. Hardly anyone talks openly about porn, but it’s abundantly clear that many of us consume it, and lots of it.


Porn is not just a dirty little secret, but an entire hidden world that we would be horrified to share with our coworkers, family members, often even the people closest to us. My works both celebrate and comment on this endless stream of online porn that I find very inspiring.


I am a graphic designer by day and this is my secret creative outlet. No deadlines, no rules, no expectations from others. Just me exploring the porn world, making collages about things that tickle my fancy. In a way, animated collages are the perfect art form to capture what I want to express. Taking bits and pieces from an endless, evolving catalogue, combining them into a new shape, telling a new story. It results in a jumble of images, perpetual, almost overstimulating, just like online porn itself.


My works are explicit. Subtle, suggestive eroticism doesn’t interest me. I wish to create something beautiful, magical from what many would consider indecent, repulsive, or debased. You can find it stimulating, fascinating, horrifying, beautiful, funny, hopefully a combination of all those things.


Thanks for looking. I hope you will enjoy it.


Featured on www.muscleservice.com


Featured on MIR26 Exhibition 2022

MIR26 – “Joy In Kink”
The exhibition “Joy In Kink” considers the power of finding, expressing, and creating joy through art and kink practices. This show in the third floor lobby gallery of Center on Halsted explored how artists represent joy in the process, experience, and documentation of their practice as well as through the humor and subversion of sexual norms.


Featured on Porn Film Festival Vienna 2023

THE BLISS OF PROVOCATION – Reclaiming Pleasure and Power

As digital and physical worlds increasingly converge, sexual expression, gender roles, and political power structures are being renegotiated. The influence of forums such as Pornhub, Grindr, Tinder, and even computer games & AI has become pervasive, creating new gateways to experience and perform sexuality. Against this backdrop, the relationship between power, gaze, and body in pornographic scenarios has become a subject of artistic investigation. Contemporary multimedia works featured in the exhibition challenge prevailing norms and explore the potential of pornography as a tool for resistance and emancipation. The goal is not simply to provoke or titillate, but to engage in critical reflection and imagine a future that is inclusive, equitable, and safe for all. Join us for a thought-provoking art exhibition that aims to shape the future of human sexuality by confronting the proliferation of pornography with works of films, gifs, sculptures, paintings, drawings and photography.