16/12/2024 17:59:52 by Trampledcub
I used to sniff my dad’s socks out of the hamper, occasionally I’d put them in his shoes to wear again (he did a few times). I had non sexual experiences with cousins and uncles as a teen. I grew
16/12/2024 16:28:28 by Tomo
I had a sock fetish as far as I could remember, stealing sniffs from relatives' socks or my own, but never thought much about it as anything. When I had access to the Internet in my later teens, I finally
16/12/2024 16:18:35 by Sneaksinyourface
I have so many stories and experiences involving socks that when I look back it makes me happy to think about. I had one experience where my best friend who is straight was really into collecting sneakers along with me.
16/12/2024 15:23:02 by Sockslut
Socklave ,forced to smell masters socks.
16/12/2024 14:35:55 by anonymous
It was shoe play in school where I first realized I liked seeing a guy in his socked feet. This started in 5th grade. Attending a camp the following summer the teen boy “counselor” in my cabin had some really
16/12/2024 12:35:00 by Latsdo
I love socks as they are the second layer to pass to get to feet. The first are shoes/boots (that turn me on over the socks) but feet are the final goal
16/12/2024 12:15:22 by Footfan21
I have college experiences related to feet, socks, and shoes I have had published on MyFriendsFeet's site
16/12/2024 10:59:34 by KiffrKink
Smells have been turning me on for a long time, and worn, smelly white socks are really perfect with tracksuits or other fetish clothing, which is what I prefer.
16/12/2024 09:02:54 by Contra
I just really like smelly socks
16/12/2024 06:25:11 by anonymous
When I was very young I would have fantasies/dreams about taking specific (male) classmates shoes off and laying my head on their white socked feet. Especially liked seeing them get their sneakers wet and dirty on the playground. I’d imagine