18/12/2024 06:53:38 by Sundevil0271
My sock attraction started when I was very young—like probably when I was 4-5. It was toward my dad and uncles. Shoes always came off in the house, and I found my dad and uncles very comforting in their socked feet—almost always white socks. I would curl up at their feet watching tv and always found the smell—never strong, but only a hint of sweat or musk—very soothing. Today, there is something so beautiful about a man in socks. Without shoes, he is carefree, relaxed, genuine, and even vulnerable. I don’t like rank or filthy socks; I like normal guys in normal socks in normal situations. I am drawn to touch and feel and smell and caress them. It’s an incredibly difficult feeling to fully express, but hopefully this helps!