16/12/2024 16:28:28 by Tomo
I had a sock fetish as far as I could remember, stealing sniffs from relatives’ socks or my own, but never thought much about it as anything. When I had access to the Internet in my later teens, I finally discovered that it was a thing and there are others out there with the same interest. Had my first hookup once I turned 18. It was a 50 year-old businessman. The feeling of nervous excitement at finally being able to sniff some real feet for the first time was unforgettable. He was really nice and kind with me, but unfortunately his socks and feet didn’t really smell much so I was slightly letdown by it, but I still carried on and enjoyed my first time as best as I can. From there on it was the start of my exploration in my fetish. The many experiences since then have helped me learn about the fetish and refine what I like or don’t. I have also met many wonderful people in the community over the years, for play or even just as friends. I’m grateful for this and I can say I’m a proud sock sniffer.